Brighton and Hove 10k

Be a 10k Champion with Team St Barnabas as part of the UK's second biggest running event on Sunday 6 April 2025.

Event details

The BM10k is back on Sunday 6 April 2025. Whether you’re looking to finish your first 10k, are pushing for a personal best, or just love the thrill of live runs, the BM10k’s buzzing atmosphere will keep you moving the whole way round.

When: Sunday 6th April 2025 at 9:00am
Activity type: Brighton, Runs
BM10k Runner

BM10K - at a glance

From the start line buzz in picturesque Hove Lawns to the finish line ecstasy along Brighton’s stunning seafront, the BM10k will carry you through the vibrant city streets and past the historic Royal Pavilion and Brighton Pier for a run you’ll never forget.

- Not open for entries yet
- No fundraising minimum, just raise as much as you can!

More details about BM10k
Arrow doodle

From training runs to Strava running challenges, stay connected to get the most out of being part of Team St Barnabas.

Facebook Group: Sharing is caring. Join our St Barnabas House Run Group to chat and share stories, tips, and ideas.

Running Hub: Updated regularly, your running info hub covers everything from training tips to nutritional advice.

Strava Club: A Team St Barnabas Running Club, where you can join events and training runs. Maybe find a running buddy too.


JustGiving pages are an easy way to start fundraising. You can set them up quickly, share them across social media immediately (even connect it to Strava), and all fundraising comes directly to us without you needing to do any extra steps.

Go to JustGiving

With an stunning seaside backdrop, Brighton is home to one of the best 10ks in the UK!

Image of the 2023 Brighton 10k route

You can find details about the race day on the BM10k website.

If you have a question about running and fundraising for us, please contact the events team.

How your fundraising makes a difference

There's no minimum sponsorship when you take on this challenge, but every penny and pound you raise will make a huge difference to adults with life-limiting illnesses and their families.


could give a patient an afternoon with the hospice’s artist-in-residence, using creativity to explore complex feelings


could pay for a visit from a Community Nurse Specialist – assessing symptoms and providing emotional support


is enough to give a patient a day of hospice care at home, surrounded by home comforts and the people they love