Thank you

A huge, heartfelt 'Thank you' to everyone who raised money for us last month. We really couldn't do this without your generous support.

Another amazing month of fundraising from some fantastic local groups and individuals:

  • A big thank you to the Highdown for holding a fundraising day in aid of St Barnabas, raising an incredible £646.55!
  • Well done Oliver Atterbury for completing the Brighton & Hove Triathlon 2024 raising £265 for St Barnabas.
  • Thank you to the ladies of Rustington WI for holding an afternoon tea in aid of St Barnabas, raising £660!
  • Well done Sue Saunders for completing your ride across Britain challenge and raising an incredible £1,332.
  • A huge well done to Toby Hancock for completing the Cotswolds Classic Bike Ride and raising an amazing £1,710.
  • Well done Natalie Dawes & Sophie Brooker for facing your fears and taking part in a Wing Walk raising £2,357!
  • Thank you Connor Benzie for supporting St Barnabas in your London to Brighton Cycle 2024 raising £1,225!
  • Thank you to The Park View Pub for raising a fantastic £1,288 at ‘Parkfest’
  • Thank you to the residents of South Drive for raising a wonderful £245 for the hospice at their recent street party
Image of a birthday celebration

Everyone who donated in celebration of birthdays, weddings and anniversaries in September raised £120!

Previous 'Thank You' months
Arrow doodle
  • Thank you to Lawrence Latham and Henfield Friends for raising a fantastic £551.50 at their Discodayz Zumba event!
  • Everyone who donated in celebration of birthdays, weddings and anniversaries in August raised £570!
  • Thank you to Worthing Hockey Club for raising £2,750 for St Barnabas House at their annual charity golf day!
  • Thank you to the Shoreham Academy students who completed a 10 mile trek over the south downs, raising an incredible £1677.
  • A huge thank you to everyone who supported the hospice by attending our recent Open Gardens, we managed to raise an incredible £960.
  • Thank you Brighton and Worthing District Football League for holding a memorial match, raising £250 for St Barnabas House.
  • Thank you to Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Church for holding a refreshments stand at the East Preston Festival, raising an incredible £1,081.95.
  • The Rustics for raising an amazing £3,400 for St Barnabas House at their annual golf day!
  • Brittany Healey and Jo Squires for taking on the epic challenge of climbing Ben Nevis raising £525 for the hospice!
  • Thank you to the Shoreham and Southwick Friends of St Barnabas House for raising £347 with a fantastic fundraising stand at the Donkey Derby Shoreham!
  • A big thank you to St Michael’s Duplicate Bridge Club for raising £650 at their annual charity bridge afternoon
  • Thank you to the Findon Friends of St Barnabas House for raising £532 at their Skittles Evening
  • A big thank you to Steyning and Ashurst Friends of St Barnabas House for hosting a wonderful garden party raising £417 for the hospice
  • Everyone who donated in celebration of birthdays, weddings and anniversaries in June raised £266!
  • A big thank you to Freda Smith who raised a fantastic £2,168 at her recent garden sale, Freda has kindly supported the hospice for a number of years and has raised an outstanding total of £21,213 to date!
  • Thank you very much to The Rising Sun pub for hosting a charity night in aid of St Barnabas House raising an incredible £2,418!
  • A big thank you and well done to Janet, Evelyn & Carolyn for completing the London to Brighton Challenge and raising over £5000
  • Thank you Melz Willard for completing the Lido Triathlon Challenge for St Barnabas and raising an incredible £890
  • A huge well done & thank you to Chantal Willix for completing her Trek to Everest Base Camp, raising £631!
  • Thank you to Fittleworth Medical for holding a bake sale in aid of St Barnabas, raising £122
  • Thank you to Grace Brunton for holding a storyteller fundraiser, raising a brilliant £135
  • Everyone who donated in celebration of birthdays, weddings and anniversaries in May raised £266!
  • Findon Friends of St Barnabas House for hosting their first golf day at Horsham Golf Club raising a wonderful £1,200 for the hospice!
  • Matt Bailey and all involved for their continuing support hosting the annual Ivan Mitchell Memorial Football tournament, which this year raised £2,000 for the hospice. The tournament first began in 2007 and has raised over £30,000 for the hospice in the last 17 years!
  • Henfield Friends of St Barnabas House for organising a lovely afternoon tea with entertainment from The Dowager Lady Crabtree raising a fantastic £800.
  • Emma and Dan for taking on the epic challenge of climbing Snowdon in aid of St Barnabas House raising a fantastic £1,636 for the hospice!