Educational courses

End of Life Care and Long Term Conditions and Frailty

About the course

An educational programme to enhance knowledge, understanding, skills and clinical management, in relation to a variety of long term conditions at the end of life including frailty.

Learning outcomes:

  • Palliative management, ceilings of care and parallel planning
  • Recognising dying patient journey versus clinical presentation
  • Proactive management and risk avoidance in discharge
  • Consideration of wider MDT including practical care services available and appropriate pathways
  • Managing expectations and difficult conversations with patients and families around future care- link to ACP/ReSPECT

Who should attend?

Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Primary Care Paramedic Practitioner, Respiratory Nurse Specialist, Care Home Senior Nurse and Matron, and Frailty Nurse

When is the next course?

16 November

9.00am – 16:00

Where is the course being held?

This course will be held at St Barnabas House Hospice


Funded by NHS Sussex. Open to all Sussex employees in health and social care

Book your place today