Raffle Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

1.1. Southern Hospice Group Spring Raffle (“the Raffle”) will be operated as a Society Lottery under the Gambling Act 2005 as amended (“the Act”) and is licensed by the Gambling Commission. Licence No. 000-004684-N-304773-009.

1.2. The Raffle is promoted by the Promoter and conducted for the benefit of the Southern Hospice Group. Charity Registration number 256789.

1.3. Southern Hospice Group has three hospices. Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice and Martlets and St Barnabas House adults’ hospices.

You can support Chestnut Tree House by visiting www.chestnut.org.uk/raffle
You can support Martlets by visiting www.martlets.org.uk/raffle
You can support St Barnabas House by visiting www.stbh.org.uk/raffle

1.4. All profits from the Raffle go directly towards funding our hospice charity services which help and support children and young people, patients, their families and carers. We offer these services at no cost to our children and young people, patients and families.

1.5. The persons responsible for the promotion of the Raffle are Rebecca Jupp and Rachel Paisley.

1.6. By entering the Raffle, Players agree to be bound by these rules.

2. Definitions

“Act” – The Gambling Act 2005.

“Raffle” – Southern Hospice Group Spring Raffle.

“Draw” – The process by which winners are selected.

“Player” – An individual who has entered into the Raffle.

“Rules” – The rules of the Southern Hospice Group Spring Raffle as set out below and amended from time to time.

“Ticket” – The entry into the Raffle.

“Early Bird Draw” – The process by which winners are selected from Players who returned their Tickets before the Early Bird Draw closing date set out below.

3. Entry into the Southern Hospice Group Spring Raffle Spring Raffle

3.1. The Raffle is promoted in accordance with the Gambling Act 2005 as amended (“the Act”) throughout Great Britain. In order to comply with the Act, during the purchase of Raffle Tickets you will be required to confirm that:

  • You are at least 18 years of age.
  • You are a resident of Great Britain.
  • You will not buy or claim to buy Raffle Tickets on behalf of any other person.

3.2. If, upon winning any prize in the Raffle, you are not able to prove that you have met the criteria specified in Rules 3.1 (a) and 3.1 (b) above then you will not be entitled to receive that prize.

3.3. In order to comply with the Act, Raffle Tickets that have been purchased and entered into the draw for which they were intended are prohibited from being subsequently refunded.

3.4. By entering into the Raffle you agree to be bound by the Rules, and applicable provisions of the Act and any relevant regulations made there under from time to time.  Southern Hospice Group Spring Raffle shall not be liable for any loss or damage (including loss of the opportunity to enter the Raffle and/or the right to receive a prize) suffered by you if you have not complied with the Rules.  The Rules may be amended by Southern Hospice Group Spring Raffle from time to time.

3.5. Southern Hospice Group Spring Raffle is a member of the Hospice Lotteries Association www.hospicelotteries.co.uk. This organisation makes a financial contribution on behalf of their members to Gamble Aware, an organisation with the sole aim of prevention of gambling harms. This Raffle is a form of gambling. Participants are encouraged to gamble sensibly. Should gambling become a problem we recommend you contact the Gamble Aware helpline on 0808 8020 133 or visit the website on www.gambleaware.org.

3.6. The maximum number of Tickets an individual will be permitted to purchase without prior approval in any one draw is 50. Individuals wishing to purchase more than 50 tickets will be referred to the Responsible Persons for approval.

4. Entry into the Raffle

4.1. You can only enter the Raffle by the purchase of a Ticket which will be sold in a variety of forms from time to time.

4.2. Purchase will require you to provide the following information:

Your name, address and email address, so that we can contact you to confirm your entry into the Raffle and contact you if you have won a prize.
Confirmation that you are over 18 years of age, in order to ensure compliance with the Act. Southern Hospice Group Spring Raffle may carry out age checks to verify this requirement, if necessary, including seeking confirmation from relevant agencies who can provide such information.
The number of Tickets in the Raffle you wish to purchase.

4.3. You will also be asked to provide the following information:

Your contact telephone number.
Your date of birth.
Your mobile phone number.

4.4. You will also be required to provide information relating to the purchase of your Tickets. Payment may be made via the following methods and the relevant information will vary depending upon the payment method.

Debit Card – information required will include card number, expiry date and card security number.
Cheque – made payable to Chestnut Tree House, Martlets, St Barnabas House and Southern Hospice Group.
Postal Order.

4.5. Southern Hospice Group shall be entitled to take any steps necessary to verify the above information and to process your entry. Southern Hospice Group may (in its absolute discretion) refuse to accept an application for an individual to purchase tickets for the Raffle.

4.6. It is your responsibility to ensure that the personal information you provide to us is accurate.

4.7. If you know of any error in your name, address or any other details provided to Southern Hospice Group as part of your entry you must correct this by notifying Southern Hospice Group in writing or by e-mail.  Southern Hospice Group will make any required corrections as soon as reasonably possible. Southern Hospice Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage (including loss of the opportunity to enter the Raffle and/or the right to receive a prize) suffered by you until such correction has been made.   Any correction notified to Southern Hospice Group shall only become effective once the correction has been made.

4.8. Each Ticket is numbered and each Ticket Number is unique.

5. Payment

5.1. Payment for Tickets may be made by the following methods:

Debit Card.
Postal Order.

5.2. Payment for Tickets will be referenced on your bank statement under the bank account name of Southern Hospice Group. Southern Hospice Group has three hospices. Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice and Martlets and St Barnabas House adults’ hospices. If you have paid to enter the Chestnut Tree House Spring Raffle, the proceeds from your tickets will go directly to support the care provided by Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice. If you have paid to enter Martlets Hospice Spring Raffle, the proceeds will go to supporting our adult care hospice care services. If you have paid to enter the St Barnabas House hospice Spring Raffle, the proceeds will go to supporting our adult care hospice care services.

5.3. The price for each Ticket is £1.

5.4. Your Tickets and therefore associated Ticket Number(s) will not be entered into the Raffle Draw or Early Bird Draw unless Southern Hospice Group has received all amounts payable (cleared funds) relating to your Tickets by the closing date 14 March 2025. If there is a dispute regarding whether Tickets have been paid for then such dispute shall be resolved by reference to details included in official statements from the bank with which the Raffle’s bank accounts operate.

5.5. You may cancel your entry into the Raffle by notifying Southern Hospice Group in writing or by e-mail. Upon receipt of this notice Southern Hospice Group will;

In accordance with the Act and as described in Rule 3.3. any payments made prior to such cancellation taking effect ahead of the Draw closing date shall be refunded.

5.6. Southern Hospice Group may cancel your entry into the Raffle (in its absolute discretion) at any time. Southern Hospice Group will notify you accordingly as soon as reasonably practicable and will reimburse any amounts which have been paid but relate to future Draw/s.  Other than the reimbursement of any such amounts, Southern Hospice Group shall not be liable for any loss or damage (including loss of the opportunity to enter the Raffle and / or the right to receive a prize) suffered by you in relation to such cancellation.

5.7. All Player funds are held ahead of the draw with Southern Hospice Group.

5.8. Payments for Tickets are not eligible for Gift Aid but donations will be handled under the Gift Aid scheme.

6. Changes to Entrant Details

6.1. Any changes to your details as provided by you upon purchase should be notified to Southern Hospice Group in writing or by e-mail.

7. Draws

7.1. The Draw will be run at our Raffle Management Companies Offices to be held on 21 March 2025.

7.2. In order to comply with the Act only those Tickets for which payment has been received are eligible for entry into the Draw. Payments received after this date will be treated as donations.

7.3. Ticket numbers will be drawn by a random generating system on the date of the Draw.

7.4. There will be an additional Early Bird Draw, run separately to the Draw. Players who return their Tickets by the closing date of 18 February 2025 will be automatically entered into the Early Bird Draw. Ticket numbers will be drawn by a random generating system on the date of the Early Bird Draw.

8. Prizes

8.1. Prizes issued in the Draw are as follows:

1st Prize – £2,000
2nd Prize – £500
3rd Prize – £250

8.2. Prizes issued in the Early Bird Draw are 10 x £25 cash prizes. Winners of the Early Bird Draw will be notified by post within one week of the date of the Main Draw. Such notification may include a £25 cash prize.

8.3. Southern Hospice Group reserves the right to amend the prizes at any time.  Any such changes will be published on the Southern Hospice Group Website at least one week prior to a change being made.

8.4. Each Ticket Number shall only be entitled to win one prize in the Draw and Early Bird Draw.

8.5. The results of the Draw will be published on the Raffle websites  www.chestnut.org.uk/raffle, www.martlets.org.uk/raffle and www.stbh.org.uk/raffle within one week of the date of the Draw and may also be published in any other manner determined by Southern Hospice Group from time to time.

8.6. Winners of the Draw will be notified by post within one week of the date of the Draw.  Such notification may include a cheque to the value of the prize won made payable to the Player.

8.7. Southern Hospice Group reserves the right to withhold any prize until it is entirely satisfied that the Player who has won the prize has fully complied with the Rules.

8.8. If, upon winning any prize in the Raffle, you are not able to prove that you have met the criteria specified in Rules 3.1 (a) and 3.1 (b) above then you will not be entitled to receive that prize.

8.9. There are no alternatives to the prizes offered and no interest is payable.

8.10. Any unclaimed prizes will be re-credited to the Southern Hospice Group main account after a period of six months has elapsed.

8.11. By accepting a prize, the winner agrees to take part in promotional activity and Southern Hospice Group reserves the right to use the name and location of the winner, their photograph and audio/or visual recordings of them in any publicity unless prior notification has been received.

9. Suspension of the Raffle

9.1. Southern Hospice Group may (at its absolute discretion) suspend the Raffle for any period of time. During such period, Southern Hospice Group shall:

Retain any amounts which were paid prior to such suspension taking effect.

9.2. You will be notified of further details regarding the resumption of the Raffle or otherwise as soon as reasonably practicable after the date of suspension in writing.

10. Liability

10.1. Southern Hospice Group shall not be liable to you for any loss or damage suffered by you arising from:

  • Any delays or failures in the postal service or other delivery methods used Southern Hospice Group or you from time to time.
  • Any delays or failures in any systems used by Southern Hospice Group or you to transmit e-mails.
  • Any failure in any software or other systems used by Southern Hospice Group for the administration of the Raffle.
  • Any delays of failures in the banking system used by Southern Hospice Group or you.
  • Any refusal by Southern Hospice Group to accept entry of an individual as an entrant or the cancellation of an entrant by Southern Hospice Group.
  • Any failure to enter your Ticket into the Draw.
  • Any event beyond the reasonable control of Southern Hospice Group.

10.2. Southern Hospice Group shall not be liable to you in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise for any indirect or consequential loss suffered by you in relation to your participation in the Raffle (including loss of the opportunity to enter the Raffle and / or the Ticket of winning a prize).

11. Self Exclusion

11.1. Should you feel that you have issues with gambling and wish to be self-excluded from our Raffle please phone our Supporter Care Team on 01273 916988 and request a self-exclusion form.

11.2. There is a minimum period of 6 months self-exclusion.

11.3. We will not target you with any marketing material during the self-exclusion period and will remove your name and details from any marketing databases used by ourselves.

11.4. If you need to talk to someone about problem gambling then please contact Be Gamble Aware.

11.5. Gamble Aware is a registered charity that provides confidential telephone support and counselling to anyone who is affected by problem gambling. Gamble Aware can be contacted on 0808 8020 133 (Freephone) or visit the website on www.gambleware.org

12.  Complaints

12.1. Any complaints relating to the Raffle should be sent in writing to Southern Hospice Group giving full details of the complaint and supporting documentation.

12.2. Complaints and disputes will be dealt with in accordance with our Complaints Policy. A copy of the complaints policy can be obtained by contacting our Supporter Care Team on 01273 916988 or at info@stbh.org.uk. Southern Hospice Group are a member of the Hospice Lotteries Association. If a complaint or dispute cannot be resolved, then it will be referred to The Independent Betting Arbitration Service (IBAS) for arbitration.

12.3. The Promoter’s decisions made pursuant to the Rules shall be final and binding.

12.4. Save where the Rules expressly provide otherwise, the Promoter shall not be obliged to enter into any correspondence.

13. Privacy

13.1. Southern Hospice Group is committed to protecting your privacy. Our Privacy Policy is available here: www.stbarnabas-hospice.org.uk/privacy. Data that we collect from you is used lawfully in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and is used solely for the purpose of processing your purchase of Raffle Tickets, subsequent entry into the Raffle, and informing you if you have won a prize.

13.2. You have the right to access the information we hold about you.  To obtain this information, please contact Southern Hospice Group in writing.  You may be asked to provide proof of your identity prior to personal information being disclosed to you.

13.3. Southern Hospice Group will not sell, rent or grant access to any of the personal data we collect about you to any third parties without your express prior permission.

13.4. We may share aggregated information to third parties.  This will not contain personal information that can identify any individual person.

13.5. We may be obliged to disclose your personal information if required to do so by law, for example to statutory bodies such as the Gambling Commission or other government bodies.

14. Proper Law and Jurisdiction

14.1. The Laws of England and Wales shall govern the interpretation and/or enforcement of these Rules and Southern Hospice Group and all entrants hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

15. Contact Address

15.1. All correspondence should be sent to the following address:

Supporter Care Team

Southern Hospice Group
Martlets Hospice
Wayfield Avenue

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