About us

Contact us

Get in contact with our friendly team, we’re always happy to help. Scroll down to find the right team to contact directly about your enquiry.

For any care-related enquiries

01903 706300

(Monday- Friday, 9am – 5pm)

For out of hours care-related enquiries

Call Echo on 01903 254789

Make it clear that you are calling for advice, your call will then be directed to the appropriate person. You will already need to be registered with Echo to access advice from them.

For any non-care enquiries

For information and help about all non-care related questions our Supporter Care team are here to help. You can contact them in the following ways:

Fill in the online form

Get in touch by phone on: 01903 254777

(this phoneline and inbox is only monitored during working hours and not on weekends or Bank Holidays)

Get in touch with our teams directly
ALL our phonelines and inboxes are only monitored during working hours, not including weekends or bank holidays.
Arrow doodle

You can use this form to tell us about any of our services, a stay in the In-Patient Unit, a Community visit, Living Well or any of our therapy services.

All feedback is really appreciated and will help us improve what we offer you. Please only use this form if you are:

  • a current or previous user of our services
  • a loved-one (such as a partner or carer) of someone currently using or previously used our services.

01903 275660

The information to contact each individual shop can be found on their own pages. Find a charity shop.

For enquiries about any of our runs, cycles, treks or walks. Or if you need any help with fundraising:

01903 254777 or fill in our online form.

If you’re already known to the hospice (you have been/are being cared for by the hospice, you’re a relative or friend of someone who is being cared for by the hospice, or you’re a relative or friend of someone who was previously cared for by the hospice) and need to speak to our Family Services Team (for instance our Counselling team, Social Worker or Welfare & Carers Support Advisor) please get in touch:

If you have a general enquiry you can call or email the team directly:

01903 254777

Or you can fill in the online form.

01903 706351

Or you can contact us via email: Wills@stbh.org.uk

Contact the Living Well service directly to find out more:


01903 706360

For all media enquiries, please contact the Marketing Team on: marketing@stbh.org.uk.

01903 706315

If you’re interested in finding out more about the roles we have, you can also fill in the online form.

Where to find us

Our address:

St Barnabas House
Titnore Lane
West Sussex
BN12 6NZ

Our visiting times:

We’re always open for visitors, find out more about how to get here and what to expect on a visit on our visiting hours information page.