Our timeline

50 years of loving care. 50 years of St Barnabas House.

Image of Dr. Gunderson at the hospice


1967 - We received our first donation of 10 Shillings!
1967 - First Appeal launched by Dr Gusterson aiming to raise money for a home for the terminally ill.
1968 - Almost 150 people took part in our first event - a sponsored walk from Worthing to Hove and back! Including a team of nurses from Worthing Hospital. Raised over £500.
1968 - Duke of Norfolk invited to be President.
1968 - We're registered as a charity
1969 - Columbia Drive site secured for £30,000

A newspaper clipping image of the foundations of the hospice being laid.


1971 - Work began on the building
1972 - Dedication ceremony led by Rt Revd Evered Lunt where each significant room was blessed.
1972 - Over 2000 people visited for our open day.
1973 - First patients are admitted into the two 12 bedded wards and additional single rooms.
1973 - Our official opening ceremony with the Duchess of Roxburghe, Dr Gusterson plus 150 people.
1975- Fee paying stopped
1975- Duchess of Norfolk becomes president after the Duke of Norfolk dies

Image of Lady Diana meeting people at the hospice


1981 - Dr Kingsbury takes over as medical director.
1983 - First Clinical Teacher appointed. ‘Care of the Dying Patient’ courses starts being offered.
1983 - First volunteer co-ordinator appointed. There were around 70 volunteers including: flower arrangers, tea trolley helpers, library service and shop assisants.
1984 - ‘Home Care’ team established – supporting people to stay at home.
1985 - The ‘day centre’ was officially opened by HRH Diana Princess of Wales – initially for 10 patients, 3 days a week.
1987 - The word hospice started being used more widely (rather than ‘nursing home’). This was officially changed in November 1995.
1989 - Rowlands Road charity shop officially opened by Mayor of Worthing.

An aerial image of St Barnabas hospice


1990 - 93 - More charity shops open: Lancing, Rustington and Storrington.
1992 - The creation of family rooms to allow families to stay together in the hospice.
1993 - Dr Kingsbury retires as medical director. Dr Adrian Ruddle takes over.
1995 - Lady Sarah Clutton becomes president after the Duchess of Norfolk dies.

Image of a group of people in high vis jackets as the hospice is being built placing a Memory Box placed in Foundations


2008 - The first Night to Remember event is held (1000 walkers raised £170k).
2009 - Public appeal launched for funding for a new building.
2009 - Ground breaking ceremony at new Titnore Lane site.
2009 - Memory box placed in foundations of new build.

Barnabee gardening


2011 - Move to new building at Titnore Lane.
2014 - Hospice Outreach Project launched (later stopped in 2020 due to COVID-19).
2016 - Introduction of disease specific nurses (a Renal Specialist, a Heart Failure Specialist, a Liver Specialist and a Dementia Specialist. These nurses allowed us to extend our care services to those patients who have very specific and complex care needs).
2016 - Henry Fitzalan Howard, Earl of Arundel takes over as president after Lady Sarah Clutton dies.
2018 - Our mascot Barnabee joins the team!

A group of nurses stood in front of the hospice

Now and the future

Now the hospice cares for around 1,800 patients annually, offering specialist care in people’s own homes and in the hospice building in Titnore Lane, Worthing.

Passing our 50th Anniversary milestone we're thinking about the future of hospice care for our local community. We are working hard to ensure that our expertise can reach everyone who needs it over the next 50 years (and beyond); developing our services so that our community is better equipped to help those facing the end of their life.

We extend a huge thank you to everyone who has donated, fundraised, volunteered and worked in the hospice over the past 50 years; you have made 50 years of loving care possible.