
Whatever your event there’s a way for you to help raise valuable funds - from cycling to skydiving. Or why not come along to one of the community events and help support fundraising. Have a browse and get inspired!

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Already got your place?

Have you already signed up to an event, and want to fundraise for us? Get in touch and we'll support you anyway we can. We'll send you a fundraiser pack and t-shirt or running vest so you can show your love for St Barnabas on the day.

Events enquiries

Check out our helpful advice and tips

We’ve got a team of experienced events experts and enthusiastic volunteers, who know a thing or two about training for an event! They’ve brought you all the information you need to know to take on your next event for charity! From fun colour runs to mammoth treks and cycling challenges, we’ve got the advice and support to help you. We update the information regularly – so remember to check back in regularly.